Content management

CMS development, content management tools, synchronized with a web platform or integrated with external tools, public or private.

Content management

Due to the increasing amount of information on websites and the difficulty of keeping it properly updated, the need arises to use what is called a content management system.

A content management system is a private website accessible only to users registered in the system. Identification is usually done through a username and password, although more sophisticated measures such as the use of digital certificates can be employed.

There are open-source software tools that allow for easy and convenient content management. At Gilsys, we recommend the use of these tools to implement an economical solution that meets the client’s needs.

The main advantage of these types of solutions is the high degree of customization they offer, and the ability to extend their functionality through the development of custom modules.

For when a completely customized solution is needed, Gilsys has its own architecture for content management. Using this architecture, a custom administration area is developed, allowing you to manage information in the most comfortable and organized way possible.

The main functionalities that the management area can offer are as follows:

Information Manager to modify the contents of the website sections.
Instant Update of the website.
Multi-language Support in all sections. Thus, the website content is independent in each language.
User and Permission Management to limit access to different management sections.
Information Search for each module, to easily find data related to previously entered contents.
Sorting System by columns and filters by themes in all listings.
Data Integrity Verification in insertion or modification forms, preventing the entry of inconsistent data and controlling mandatory fields.
Section Layout on the public website, for example, choosing which of the entered news should be displayed on the homepage.
Automatic Image Optimization to adjust them to the size and resolution required in each section of the website.
Historical Management of site sections, for example, having a section in the public part dedicated to orderly and classified display of news published over the years.
Mailing Lists to send periodic newsletters with portal news.
Automatic Content Optimization for proper indexing in search engines.
Integration of RSS technology for the import and export of news.
Object-Oriented Programming based on MVC. This architecture allows the administration area to be separated from the presentation. Thus, if the website design ever needs to be changed, the same content manager can be fully utilized.
